About company



Chairman of Suprervisory Board Michael Kilian
Chairman of Board of Directors  Romana Špačková
Vicechairman of Board of Directors Frank-Michael Kuhnt
Member of Board of Directors Karel Šmíd


MINERVA BOSKOVICE, a. s., incorporated in the Register of Companies of Regional Court in Brno in file B 210


Sokolská 1318/60, 680 01 Boskovice
Telefon: +420 516 494 211
E-mail: minerva@minerva-boskovice.com
Reg.No.: 00010944
VAT Reg.No: CZ00010944




We are top producers of sewing machines

'Since its establishment in 1881*, Minerva has experienced many changes, the latest of which was the transformation into a joint stock company in 1991. In 1997, the German company Dürkopp Adler AG Bielefeld became the majority shareholder. And since 2005, when the majority of Dürkopp Adler AG was taken over by the Chinese company SGSB Group Co., Ltd., also a producer of industrial sewing machines, MINERVA BOSKOVICE, a.s. has become a part of this international group of companies. Durkopp Adler has been the constant majority shareholder of Minerva, which has paved the way for many? numerous? more?) new prospects in the production of industrial sewing machines The link with the Chinese capital was expected to result in a massive penetration of Chinese markets. Nowadays, MINERVA is a modern joint stock company which provides interesting jobs in the region of Boskovice. It is not only a production plant, but also a company with a sufficiently experienced development base.

The company is based on the technical skill of its employees and innovation potential offered by these employees. An effective production of key components in conjunction with the above attributes means that Minerva can develop and grow even more in the future. We enhance these advantages of ours, and together with an effective production of key components and assembly we even extend the present offer.

Minerva Boskovice a.s. is a key example of a company which has adapted to new  conditions based upon high quality and the latest technical standards, all of which will allow it to continue to thrive in the world markets in the future.